30 September, 2015

If you missed the Blood Moon...

A Thick Batch of Bloodmoon Plants!
... then you missed Bloodmoon, our flash LE to commemorate the supermoon, harvest moon, full moon, blood moon, and lunar eclipse on September 27 and four supermoons in the same lunar year!

High potency, medium growing outdoor plants with an outrageous foliage!

All gone now with a 24 hour sale, these are hot right now on the secondary market and auction!

Not since 1982 have we had a full moon this rare. The celestial spectacular will go down on Sunday night (Sept. 27th) and will feature three uncommon lunar phenomena – a trifecta of cosmic awesomeness that won’t happen again until 2033. But for those out there unfamiliar with esoteric moon activity, have no fear. Let’s break down exactly what you’ll be looking at.
Full Moon
Ok, you know this one. It’s when the tides fluctuate drastically and werewolves come out to play. It’s also when the moon is fully exposed to the sun, making the near side of it completely illuminated.
Lunar Eclipse
This one is a little tougher to grasp. A lunar eclipse is when the moon passes directly behind the earth’s shadow. It can only occur during a full moon and it makes the appearance of the moon a creepy shade of red, hence the name “Blood Moon.” Many ancient cultures believed that lunar eclipses were the result of demons swallowing the moon; and even today, Blood Moons give people the heebie jeebies.
Lunar Perigee
Don’t freak out. This is the most complex aspect of Sunday’s full moon, but you don’t have to be Neil deGrasse Tyson to comprehend it. The moon rotates around the earth on a lopsided axis. Because it isn’t a perfect circle, there are points when the moon is closer to earth than others. These points are called perigee (closest) and apogee (furthest). Since the moon appears larger in the perigee position, it’s often called a “Supermoon.”
It’s been over 30 years since all three of these lunar phenomena have occurred at the same time. Sunday’s moon is so rare that it doesn’t even have a name. People are foolishly calling it a Supermoon Blood Moon, when the obvious title is a “Super Sunday Bloody Sunday Moon.” And unlike solar eclipses, which are far more rare and elusive, the Super Sunday Bloody Sunday Moon will be able to be seen across the globe. Despite being an awesome star gazing event, Sunday’s trifecta of cosmic activity could be a perfect time for a night surf. The moon gods have answered…now it’s time for a surf sacrifice.

08 September, 2015


Stan Redmond asked me if I had seen his Cheech & Chong Smoke decor plant with the Buzy Beez FX?  I was curious, as many of you are making some really awesome combos using all the new FX, but this one had me stumped!!!  Cam in close and you will see the Beez (one is on Chong's beard!) Come to find out he has hidden a Honey Slide inside the Cheech & Chong...so it was a trick one:)

So I thought it would be fun to ask other growers how they are making all these cool hybrids, like Pupster, when he showed these stats to us in CannabiSL Growers & Breeders Group chat. We have had some pharmers asking us what the trick was to get these FX to pass to other plants. So here goes.

Pupster said he crossed a V3 HENDRIX HAZE male with a female V4 FLOWER POWER and got this beauty:

Generation: 5
Maturity: 5%
Foliage: Hendrix Haze Bright (1.0)
Effect: Peace
Potency: High (3.406)
Growth Rate: Medium (2.594% per cycle)
Height: 2.081 meters
Width: 1.938 meters
CannabiSL version 4.18

He also told me that he started out with a single three seeder female FLOWER POWER & the game plan was to put the PEACE FX with the Dead Rock Star series. He just kept breeding the female FLOWER POWER with the V3 HENDRIX HAZE till the females became pure. He said it took him about 6 gens to get them "Pure"  (all parents showing only Hendrix Haze) but having that amazaballz mellow color PEACE FX too. Way to go Pupster!!! 

If anyone else has a FX hybrid you'd like to share here just add to the comments below so we can all be a little jealous & proud of you at the same time!!!