22 October, 2013

A Reprise, Revisited Again: Towelie says "Don't forget to bring a towel"...

...to cry when plants poof or have problems breeding/growing.

With more folks getting involved with auctions, 3rd party sales, trading, and the like, there is also a greater chance that some guys will try to "game" the system in search of a fast buck. More innocently, there's also a bigger chance that you'll encounter older versions that don't have the latest features. This article outlines a few ways you can make 3rd party dealing a little safer.

Tip #1: FIRST, remember that the "CannabiSL game" is based on a RL activity that can attract less-than-honest, shady characters.  SL mirrors RL to an extent, so tip #1 is KNOW YOUR CONNECTION. Do your Due Diligence. If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. If something doesn't seem right, just walk (or fly) away. Unlike RL, you won't get mugged, and you won't get busted!

Tip #2: ALWAYS CHECK THE CREATOR NAME WHEN BUYING FROM A 3rd PARTY. All scripted CannabiSL items - seeds, plants, bricks, Grow Lites, and plant food - show Djeaux Farrasco as the Creator. The only exceptions that are authorized to use the CannabiSL mark are clothing items. Anything else is a fake.

Tip #3: ALWAYS CHECK THE  VERSION AND LAST OWNER OF 3rd PARTY SEEDS & PLANTS. Unless you're an experienced breeder or collect rarities, you'll want to buy seeds and plants with the most up-to-date scripts. In both Versions 1 and 2, you can check the script version number in a plant's stats. The highest Version 1 release is 1.420L-2. The latest Version 2 release is whatever the Transmogrifier is serving!

If the Version 2 mother plants are upgraded before harvesting, the offspring will show Djeaux Farrasco as the last owner. If the last owner is anyone else, it means the plant's mother was not upgraded. If the version number shown in stats is up-to-date, it's all okay, but knowing the seller attends to upgrades is a good thing.

The CannabiSL Team is happy to help with problems that may arise, but we urge you to READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE: http://cannabisl.blogspot.com/p/caveat-emptor.html




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