When germinated a mixed-pack ḈḁṇṇḁḇḭṦḼ seed randomly selects one of the following varieties:
These and other varieties, including Limited Editions, are also available as pure strain seeds at our in-world store. Each variety has a different foliage color, growth rate, potency, lighting requirement, and maximum size.
Click here to see a list of all varieties, including Limited Editions, and their characteristics.
At germination, gender of the plant is also randomly determined. The odds of a male are 12.5 percent (one in eight chance).
When a ḈḁṇṇḁḇḭṦḼ seed is germinated, several mutations may occur. Mutations are independent random events, and their effects may be passed to offspring. The following mutations are possible:
- Ultra Growth Rate: "Ultras" grow twice as fast as normal ḈḁṇṇḁḇḭṦḼ specimens for that particular variety. There is a one percent (1%) chance of getting an Ultra mutation. (See the Grower's Guide for information about the new labeling system for Ultras and Ultra offspring.)
A plant that has this mutation is labelled "Full Ultra" in the hovertext stats, even if the doubled growth rate falls in the range of 1-5% (i.e., "Very Slow" through "Very Fast"). Full Ultras' offspring display the regular labels if its growth rate is 5% or less, or "Extreme" if the offspring's growth rate is greater than 5%.
For example, if this mutation occurs in a slow-growing Peace Maker LE, the plant will be labelled Full Ultra even though its (doubled) growth rate is 3% (Medium). On the other hand, the offspring of a Full Ultra Big Bud (10% growth rate) crossed with a normal Big Bud (5%) would have a growth rate of 7.5% and would be labelled "Extreme." - Superweed: The Superweed mutation doubles a plant's potency. It occurs in about 1% of all seed germinations, and a message is displayed to the owner during germination. The Superweed label in stats and hovertext appears, however, only if the plant's potency rounds to 5.0 or higher.
- Dwarf/Giant: Dwarf plants grow only 60% of the maximum size (height & width) for the variety. Giants grow to 125% of the maximum size. (There's a limit of 10 meters overall in the event of multiple generation giant hybrids.) These mutations are inheritable as permanent changes in the height & width of the plant. The odds of getting a dwarf or a giant are two percent (2%).
- Brights: There's a 25% chance that a plant will have the bright mutation. This causes the foliage to display in "full bright" mode and produces a glow-in-the-dark effect. A first generation bright plant has a brightness value of one (1.0), while non-bright plants have a value of 0.02. Offspring with an averaged value (from both parents) greater than 0.5 will display as brights, so all offspring of a first generation bright mutant will be brights.
- Foliage: Most ḈḁṇṇḁḇḭṦḼ plants display the foliage color of the mother. Plants may inherit the foliage of any of its grandparents. The odds of each are as follows:
- Mother's displayed foliage: 64%
- Father's displayed foliage: 16%
- Mother's hidden grandparent foliage: 16%
- Father's hidden grandparent foliage: 4%
Thus, it's possible to have a group of hybrids from the same cross with the same potency, growth rate, and size characteristics but different colors.
Potency and growth rate are calculated on a four-point scale, where 0 is very low/very slow and 4 is very high/very fast. Indoor and outdoor lighting requirements are on a two-point scale where 0 is indoor and 2 is outdoor. Hybrids reflect blending (numeric average) of the parent characteristics, except for foliage color which is inherited from the original maternal plant. Calculations are done using floating point decimals and rounded up.
Thus, a cross between a WHITE WIDOW female and a SUPER SKUNK male would yield the following:
potency: high (2+4)/2 = 3
growth: fast (2+3)/2 = 2.5, rounded up to 3
lighting: indoor/outdoor (2 + 0)/2 = 1
max height: 1.87 m (2.34 + 1.40)/2 = 1.87
max width: 1.595 m (2.00 + 1.19)/2 = 1.595
foliage: white-green (64% chance)
Once you're past the first generation, it's useful to remember that calculations are not based on the rounded averages. If the WHITE WIDOW X SUPER SKUNK hybrid above were back-bred to a WHITE WIDOW, the 3rd generation hybrid would have medium growth: (2.5 + 2.0)/2 = 2.25.
Confused? Good. Fire one up and forget about it. Happy Growing! It's 4:20 somewhere.
The "Genetics 101" information is for Version 1, but the basic scheme is (mostly) the same in Version 2. See the V2 Grow Guide for specific percentages for mutations and inheritance.